My 30 Day Yoga Challenge Diary: Day 15 & And I’ve Booked A Holiday To India

Laura Somers is on day 15 of her yoga challenge and managed to blow all her money while under the influence of yesterday's class.

yoga challenge day 15

I was so inspired by my spiritual journey at yoga yesterday that when I got home I may have been a bit impulsive with my last pay check. That’s cos I made the somewhat questionable decision to book a two week trip to India.

Sure it seemed like a fantastic idea at the time but today when I went to buy my coffee and my card declined I felt maybe it wasn’t the wisest decision I’ve ever made to spend all the money in my account on a holiday to the other side of the world.

There are two big problems with this impulse buy. 1) I have no money left for food for the rest of the month. This in turn means I’ll have to finally make use of my jumbo pack of baked beans from Lidl, andย  2) I lost my passport and don’t have enough money to buy a new one after booking a holiday.

How does this all link in with my yoga diary you’re probably wondering?

Well, as you can imagine I am not feeling quite as zen as I was feeling yesterday, between hunger pangs and premonitions of getting evicted because I can no longer pay rent, and the last thing I wanted to do was go to yoga.

I reluctantly made my way to class but when I arrived I spotted the ride from a few days ago. I put my mat beside him and decided I was going to start a conversation. After all one of the benefits of my idiotic purchase was that I had a solid conversation topic.

I asked him if he’d been here before (knowing full well he had) and he said he was a regular and loved it, so I started telling him about my holiday planned to the birthplace of yoga, trying my hardest to sound like I knew what I was talking about.

Then came the dagger to my heart. โ€œOh my boyfriend goes there all the time! He loves it there. I can give him your number to get some tips if you want?โ€

Fantastic, this beautiful man is no more interested in me than I am in this yoga class.

I’m off to make some beans and toast.

READ MORE: You can catch up on the whole of the yoga challenge here.
