Dream Dinner Party… With Irish Band NewDad

Their debut album just dropped!

NewDad Pic: Bella Howard

Ireland has a rich history of music. From The Cranberries to U2 to Niall Horan to CMAT, we have plenty of incredible musicians.

So we were very excited to learn about new Irish band, NewDad, who hail from Galway.

The four-piece’s first album, Madra, launched on January 26th but they have already appeared in music magazines like NME and Rolling Stone UK.

Julie Dawson, leads the band as the vocalist, alongside Séan O’Dowd on guitar, Cara Joshi on bass guitar and Fiachra Parslow on drums.

NewDad Pic: Alice Backham

While Séan admits that he is “more excited than nervous” Julie tells us that she is “definitely more nervous”.

“It’s because we’ve lived with it for so long and we’ve talked about it being brilliant now I’m doubting myself,” Julie says. “But as long as it provides a comfort to someone I’m happy.”

Fiachra is quick to point out that it is “easy to forget that when it’s going well, it is going well”, as they discuss the support they have received in Ireland and the UK, where they are now based.

“I never feel like I’m a musician until I go home and everyone points out what we’re doing is really cool,” he adds.

NewDad’s album, Madra

You’re throwing your dream dinner party. If you could choose from anyone in the world, who would be your ideal five guests?

Séan: David Attenborough

Julie: Louis Theroux

Cara: Flea from Red Hot Chilli Peppers

Fiachra: Snoop Dogg

All four together: Jedward!

Would you have a theme or a dress code?

C: Under the sea! For Halloween, I went as a shark and Julie went as a jellyfish. Maybe we could make it a permanent thing! So everyone would have to dress up for the dinner party. And all of the food would be on theme! Maybe blue!

What are you cooking? Is it a lavish affair or low-key nibbles?

F: Oh could we do some really fancy canapées? Like a charcuterie board!

S: We could have loads of spice bags in the middle! And beers.

The dinner’s on – time to get ready! What are you wearing?

J: I’d be a jellyfish, obviously! I kept my hat so I can wear it all the time! One lady called me an octopus on Halloween night and I was very offended. I was clearly a jellyfish!

Everyone’s arriving: what music are you playing to set the mood?

J: Jedward!

C: Of course, we’d play Waterline on repeat – we have a theme!

NewDad Pic: Dan Curwin

What’s the best thing a guest can bring to dinner?

S: Boardgames! We love 30 Seconds!

F: Honestly, just a tin of biscuits to have with tea afterwards.

Give us your top three topics you love to discuss at the dinner table!

F: All the questions would be “Julie Questions”! She has really good questions like icebreaker-type questions.

J: My go to is “If you had a bird on your shoulder, who was your constant companion, what kind of bird would it be?” It says a lot about a person. Another one is “What type of kitchen utensil would you be”. It gets really deep! It’s really interesting.

What’s everyone drinking?

C: I might have a vodka, lime soda or a Guinness.

F: A Jameson ginger or a gin and tonic.

S: A Guinness or a whiskey.

J: I really like a cheap whiskey with cranberry juice! It’s an acquired taste.

Is there dessert on offer?

S: I make a good tiramisu!

F: You’d leave it in the kitchen with a big pot of tea where everyone can go up and get it themselves!

J: And a big bowl of Under the Sea Pick N Mix to stay on theme!

Let’s talk entertainment – is there games? Is everyone dancing?

J: Games and karaoke.

F: At least one round of charades!

J: And Twister!

What are your go-to karaoke songs?

J: This is going to sound made up but I always sing Murder on the Dancefloor. But everyone thinks it’s because of Saltburn! I swear, that’s my song.

S: Me and Fiachra duet Love is an Open Door from Frozen.

C: Mine would probably be a Broadway musical song. No sorry I would do Ladbroke Grove by AJ Tracey!

How does the night end?

J: I don’t know if it does end…but I think it would end up with the four of us. We’d make a big floor couch and watch The Lego Movie together.

NewDad’s debut album, Madra, is out now. Tickets are currently on sale for their Irish shows here
