Finally! Snapchat’s Latest Update Will Make Showing Off On Social Media Waaaay Easier

No more disappearing pictures.

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You know how it goes. Someone asks how your holiday/birthday dinner/night out was, and you go to show them all the photos and videos you remember taking, only to realise they were all on Snapchat and have now been lost forever to some kind of massive internet black hole.

While Snapchat’s USP is its instant and disposable nature, sometimes we’d like to hold on to our old pictures and videos without having to save them to our phone or use any weird outside apps. Heck, sometimes a snap was so good we want to share it again a few days later.

Well, Snapchat have heard the pleas, it seems, as they’ve just announced a new Snapchat Memories feature, which they’ll be slowly rolling out over the next few weeks.

If you’ve saved a picture or video to Memories, you can access it at any time by swiping up while on Snapchat’s camera screen.

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You can then show entire Memory stories to anyone you please, and can even re-post old snaps to your current story.

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There’sย also a “my eyes only” feature, ifย some of your saved snaps are a little (or a lot) NSFW.

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They think of everything, don’t they?

Find out more in the video below – and follow Stellar over on Snapchat too (@stellarmagazine), because you’d be mad not to!
