‘It’s The Best On The Market’: Joe Wicks, The Body Coach Reveals The Healthy Irish Food He Loves To Cook With

BRB, stocking up.

Joe Wicks

What do Kourtney Kardashian and Joe Wicks have in common?

Considering that one is a reality star who makes up a part of America’s most famous family and the other is an English-born health and fitness guru and cookbook author who made his name on social media with the hashtag #LeanIn15, you’d probably assume not much.

But one thing they do share is a love of healthy food and there’s one Irish ingredient in particular that they both claim to love.

Joe Wicks Book 2

Chatting to Joe yesterday while he was in town promoting his new book Lean In 15 The Shape Plan, the super ridey health expert divulged that just like Kourtney, he loves to cook with Kerrygold Butter.

While Kourtney includes the butter in her healthier version of Rice Krispie Squares, Joe tells us that he often uses it as an alternative to cooking oils.

โ€œIt’s the best butter on the market,โ€ he told us yesterday when we were lucky enough to grab a quick chat with him in Dublin’s Marker Hotel. โ€œIt comes from grass-fed cows so it’s really healthy.โ€

Who’s tried the baked eggs in avocado before? ? #Leanin15

A photo posted by Joe Wicks #Leanin15 (@thebodycoach) on

A quick flick through the new book reveals that he’s got stacks of recipes and healthy meal ideas that include this star Irish ingredient too, from yummy breakfast meals like greens, eggs and ham to protein- and fat-rich dinners like Popeye’s Chicken.

And it’s good news for dieters too: after all, his plan is in line with new research that suggests that fats, like the ones you’ll find in butter, aren’t ‘bad’ and can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.

Hey, if it means we can enjoy the creamy, comforting taste of butter then we’re in.
