Back In Action! The Blizzards Will Make Their Electric Picnic Debut Next Month

Bressie and the lads are officially back.,

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After a six-year hiatus, The Blizzards officially re-launched this year, and they’ve just been confirmed as part of the line-up for the Jerry Fish Electric Sideshow stage at Electric Picnic.

Niall Breslin and co. also turned out for Cork’s Indiependence Festival last weekendย and tickets for their November 19th gig at Dublin’s Olympia went on sale this morning at 9am.

Not ones to rest on their laurels, so.

In their heyday, The Blizzards performed at Slane, Oxegen (remember that?!) and more, and they’re currently touring their brand new album Drop Down The Anchor which was released in June.

Other acts confirmed for EP’s Jerry Fish stage this year include:ย The Strypes, The Academic, Ex Magician, The Frank And Walters,ย Bitch Falcon, Interskalactic, Craig Gallagher andย  Kelly Ann Byrne.

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Credit: Ciara Drennan

Plus you’ll be able to catch all manner of dance, circus acts and carnival fun throughout the weekend.

See you there!
