Trending 27th October 2016 by Paula Lyne
Something SO Unexpectedly Lovely Just Happened On That ‘Mass’ Facebook Event Page
It's not all about gas comments.
Turns out if you get 132,000 people to click ‘attending’ on the same event, you can make a lot of difference.
Yesterday a spoofย Facebook event page for ‘Mass’ย slowly began taking over social media, with the list of attendees growing by the hundreds every second. The page is full of brilliant comments, and they just keep coming. Like this one:
And this one:
However if you head over to the page right now, you’ll see something quite special unfolding, thanks to the quick thinking of one commenter.
“132k people attending this mass on Sunday… If a fraction of ye donate 2 quid each then the baby Jesus will be very happy with ye,” a user named Donall Burke wrote, posting a text donation number for the suicide charity Pieta House.
Within an hour, Donall’s post had close to 300 comments, most of them screenshots of “donation received” texts.
That’s almost โฌ600, FYI.
Good craicย and charitable – we kinda wish this Facebook event didn’t have to end on Sunday…