Urban Decay Are Being Praised For Showing ‘Real’, Unretouched Skin On Their Instagram

Pores FTW!

via Instagram/Urban Decay

While we love admiring makeup looks on Instagram, so often the skin is edited to look smooth, blemish-free and poreless when most of the time, that’s just not realistic.

Skin has texture, bumps, pigmentation, and pores, and it’s mad how refreshing seeing an unretouched face can be.

So props to Urban Decay, who haven’t been smoothing out the skin of the MUAs they feature on their Instagram page. This gal has beautiful, glowing skin that includes pores and freckles:

And this eyeย close-up hasn’t been made robotically perfect by Photoshop:

And look! Texture!

The move has been warmly welcomed by the brand’s followers, who are even saying that seeing ‘real skin’ has helped their confidence in their own skin. One user wrote:

It’s a good reminder of what skin should look like. It looks healthy and real!

“The unedited skin makes me feel like my skin is just as flawless,” said another.

In a world where you can sometimes feel like the only person who still has pores, this is very nice indeed.
