This Man Proposed To His Girlfriend In The Middle Of Her First Marathon

And people are hella pissed.

A man proposed to his girlfriend as she ran in the New York City marathon and the people of the internet are angry.

Kaitlyn Curran was running her first-ever marathon on Sunday when she spotted her boyfriend Dennis Galvin near the 16-mile mark.

Unsurprisingly, she ran over to say a quick hello, when Dennis decided to halt his girlfriendโ€™s race – by getting down on one knee to propose.

In a viral video, Kaitlyn accepts his proposal, hugs her new fiancรฉ, places the engagement ring on her finger, and then proceeds to rejoin her fellow marathoners and continue running.

Despite Kaitlyn being happy to be all engaged and what not, the people of the internet are angry at her fella for taking away from the big day she probably spent months preparing for. Here’s what they’re saying.

This is a controversy for the ages.
