Taylor Swift Has Donated $113,000 To An LGBTQ Advocacy Group In Tennessee

She also wrote them a cute note!

Taylor Swift has donated $113,000 to the Tennessee Equality Project, an LGBTQ advocacy group, as it tries to stop state lawmakers from passing a series of bills she and others have characterised as a “slate of hate.”

According to Variety, the legislation being disputed includes laws that allow private adoption agencies to raise religious and moral objections over prospective parents, and another that prevents state and local governments from taking actions against a business based on its “internal policies.” LGBTQ groups say that such legislation would open the door to discrimination. Other legislation is aimed at transgender individuals, including one that requires the state to defend school districts that require students to use the bathroom of their assigned sex at birth.

Taylor donated the large sum to help aid the Tennessee Equality Project in fighting the legislation. She also sent a personalised note to the organisation along with her donation.

“I’m writing you to say that I’m so inspired by the work you do, specifically in organising the recent petition of Tennessee faith leaders standing up against the ‘slate of hate’ in our state legislature,” she began.

“Please convey my heartfelt thanks to them and accept this donation to support the work you and these leaders are doing. I’m so grateful that they’re giving all people a place to worship.”

The organisation’s executive director Chris Sanders shared a picture of her letter on Facebook and wrote: “Taylor Swift has been a long-time ally to the LGBTQ community. She sees our struggle in Tennessee and continues to add her voice with so many good people, including religious leaders, who are speaking out for love in the face of fear.

“Tennessee Equality Project is honored and grateful to reveal Taylor Swift has made a donation of $113,000 to support our efforts at this critical moment.”
