You Look Disgusting: The Emotional Video That’s Challenging Unrealistic Beauty Standards

In this powerful video, blogger Em Ford stands up to her haters to make a point about beauty standards.

you look disgusting video

We live our lives online, which can often leave us open to nasty and unwarranted criticism from other web users. London-based beauty blogger and acne sufferer Em Ford of My Pale Skin found that out the hard way when she began posting make-up free #selfies to her Instagram account @mypaleskinblogย three months ago.

Em was hurled a tonne of abuse about her appearance, receiving comments like “I can’t even look at her” and “WTF is wrong with her face” while at the same time receiving messages from other acne sufferers revealing the negative effect acne was having on their self esteem.

As a society, we’re so used to seeing false images of perfection and comparing ourselves to unrealistic beauty standards.

It was this that prompted Em to take a stand against the hate she’d faced online by making a video detailing the horrible comments she’d received.

โ€œAs a society, we’re so used to seeing false images of perfection and comparing ourselves to unrealistic beauty standards,” Em explains. “It can be hard to remember the most important thing โ€” you ARE beautiful.”

Since the vid has since gone viral, Em has received an outpouringย of support. “It doesn’t matter what people say, true beauty comes from inside and that’s only what matters,” commented one YouTube user. We can get behind that.

Here’s the video:
