Real Talk 9th September 2015 by Victoria Stokes
How I Got My Job: Molly McKeever, Yoga Instructor
Molly shares with us her path to becoming a yoga instructor, and her career highlights along the way.
Age: 26
From: Dublin
Job Title: Yoga Teacher
Studied: History of Art & Architecture
Twitter:ย @pocket_molly
Instagram:ย @mymollypocket
1. Tell us a bit about your job.
After practicing yoga in NY and being so inspired by my teachers there I saw what kind of teacher I wanted to be. So everyday I try to be a better person and learn more about being happy in order to inspire and motivate my students. And that for me is the most important part of my job.
2. What was your path to your current career?
I started practicing yoga five years ago. At first it was in aid of losing weight, but as I continued my practice in NY I realised it had become the most important part of my day. New York gave me the confidence to pursue my dream and a career that I was passionate about.
3. Did you always want to work in this area?
No, but I always wanted to do something creative. And there’s a lot of room for being creative in teaching yoga classes.
Accept where you are in your life, your career, your self.
4. Did your college or your previous experience help you?
No, before I started practicing yoga there was nothing I did that focused on the health front.
5. What does a typical day look like in your job?
I eat a lot of food! So meal prep is a huge part. Drink coffee. Strength training. My yoga practice. Teaching yoga. Instagram. In a nutshell!
6. What challenges have you experienced getting to where you are now?
Having the confidence and patience, and knowing that being the best yoga teacher you can be is a life long journey. The hardest part is accepting that!
7. In your experience, what’s the best way to deal with those challenges?
Acceptance. Accept where you are in your life, your career, your self. Easier said than done I know!
8. Tell us about some your career highlights.
My teacher training in Mexico was magical. Being named in The Irish Times as one of the top eight fitness bloggers in Ireland. I will be teaching at the Wellfest 2015 – so being chosen to be part of the first Irish health festival is a privilege.
9. What’s the best bit about your job?
Every day I am challenged and learn something new about myself.
10. And the drawbacks?
Not making enough money to feed my shopping addiction!
11. What do you think has been the key to your success?
I’ve had amazing support from family and friends. I couldn’t have done it without them. And I suppose it sounds cliche but listening to my heart and my gut.
12. What advice would you give to anyone aspiring to follow in your footsteps?
Believe that anything is possible and never bring others down for your progress. Give give give and you will receive!
13. What sort of career progression is there in your job?
I could own my own studio. But really my goal is to travel with my job and host yoga retreats. That’s my next goal!