8th July 2015
Losing weight is definitely not all smooth sailing – as dep ed Rosemary finds out when she's forced to start over on her Slimming World journey, again.
22nd June 2015
When deputy editor Rosemary falls off the Slimming World wagon, she falls HARD – here's what went wrong...
4th June 2015
At the end of week three of Slimming World, how is our Deputy Editor Rosemary faring?
Real Talk
26th May 2015
Week two of Slimming World, and deputy ed Rosemary is deep in smug territory – with no intention of ever leaving.
21st May 2015
Deputy ed Rosemary has decided to join Slimming World – and she's keeping a diary for us (woe betide her if she falls off the wagon). Here's what happened in week one!