Real Talk
25th October 2016
And why it's not necessarily the best time to weigh yourself.
14th October 2016
It's all downhill from here guys.
12th October 2016
After the show, Louise decided to go it alone.
2nd December 2015
Deputy editor Rosemary Mac Cabe is at the end of her six-week stint at Lift Training Studios, and it looks like Six Weeks to Strong may need a rebrand – cos she's in it for the long haul.
3rd November 2015
It's the end of Week 2 of my new life, and I'm feeling amazing – but that doesn't mean it's not difficult...
27th October 2015
Having signed up for a six-week training extravaganza (with strict diet, of course), has deputy editor Rosemary Mac Cabe bitten off more than she can bench?
8th July 2015
Losing weight is definitely not all smooth sailing – as dep ed Rosemary finds out when she's forced to start over on her Slimming World journey, again.
4th July 2015
It's scorching outside and you don't wanna cover up but you don't want your thighs rubbing together and causing a nasty friction burn either. Here's what to wear instead.
22nd June 2015
When deputy editor Rosemary falls off the Slimming World wagon, she falls HARD – here's what went wrong...
4th June 2015
At the end of week three of Slimming World, how is our Deputy Editor Rosemary faring?
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