Leonardo DiCaprio Has Made Some Very Gushy Comments About Women From This Irish County

Sadly though, it's not all it seems.


He may be renowned for hooking up with a string of gorgeous models, but Leonardo DiCaprio has, according to one webiste, revealed he also has big love for Irish women – and in particular, he’s mad for women from County Limerick.

According to KY12 News, the actor revealed that he once used to visit a woman from there.

They quote Leo as saying the following:

“I used to know a woman from Limerick, Ireland. Very beautiful woman. I visited her there years ago and met her sisters and some friends and I’m telling you… they were all beautiful. I don’t know what it is about this place but they’re gorgeous in Limerick.”

And the compliments didn’t end there apparently:

“I’m not saying they’re more physically beautiful than all of the other women in the world but when you factor in their great personality, sweet nature, and natural beauty. I’m talking natural beauty, none of this fake stuff – the women in Limerick are without a doubt the most beautiful women I’ve ever come across.”

Sounds only lovely right? Well, PLOT TWIST, because it turns out that all of these comments reportedly made by Leo are part of an elaborate hoax.

As the Daily Edge pointed out, KY12News is actual a satire site, so despite several news outlets running the story it seems Leo isn’t as fond of the lovely ladies of Limerick as we first thought.

A girl can but dream, right?
