Bella Hadid Shares Support For Ariana Grande With Kind Message

She’s spreading a message of kindness and support.

Yesterday Ariana Grande took to her TikTok to speak to her fans about some of their ‘concerns’ surrounding her body. Supermodel Bella Hadid reposted the video to her Instagram grid along with a caption in support of the God Is A Woman singer.

She told her fans that “you never know what someone is dealing with mentally or physically,” adding: “Disease or depression. Grief or heartache. You just don’t, and you will never know until you walk a day in their shoes”.

The well known supermodel offered up some advice to help support the people around you with things they may be dealing with.

@arianagrandeโ™กโ™ฌ original sound – arianagrande

“Instead of unsolicited advice or opinions, judgement or aggression, just try to offer a helping hand and be kind,” she said in regard to supporting those who need it, adding “there is always a reason for the way people look/feel, so try to be soft, especially when you don’t know someone or what they’ve been through”.

Bella also highlighted that Instagram is not real life. It is a highlight reel of the good parts of life, discarding the bad like they never happened.

She said: “Instagram is not real and we need to look deeper and consciously remind ourselves that each of us are just human beings trying our best,” while also adding, “So next time someone wants to write a nasty article to make fun, or a mean comment to get some likes, just remember that”.


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Bella thanked the Grammy award-winning singer and also offered up some advice surrounding trolling – the age old saying that if you’ve got nothing nice to say, say nothing at all.

She said: “If someone wants to talk badly about another person, remove yourself from the conversation,” while also showing her love for the singer “It’s so much cooler to be kind. Love you guys. And love you Ari. This is so important, I am very proud of you. It will help so many people. Thank you”.

Bella’s support for the singer comes only a day after she posted to TikTok about “what it means to be a person with a body and to be seen and to be paid such close attention to”.
