Here’s How A ‘Colour Consultation’ Can Revolutionise Your Wardrobe

Do you know which shades really suit you best when shopping?


Have you ever wondered which colours actually suit you the best? If blue hues are the ones that emphasise your eyes, while surprisingly, lilac is a shade that actually does nothing for you?

The colours you choose to wear can actually have a major impact on how you look and knowing exactly what you should be shopping for; from patterns to seasonal tones, can make the whole experience a lot easier and more straightforward. Having a bank of colours that have been expertly chosen to suit you is something celebrities have been doing for years thanks to their trusty stylists, but now we can all get in on the action thanks to colour consultations.

Following in the footsteps of Made In Chelsea’s Sophie Haboo, I had a colour consultation with Isabel Gleeson (@styledbyisabel), who put together a tailored report for me based on my look and features.

Isabel offers clients direction when it comes to shopping. Her colour consultations act as a once in a lifetime service, whereby you’re given a fashion bible specifically designed to you on what colours, shapes and styles of clothing suit you best – including shop-in links so you can purchase specific items from a whole host of brands.


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“I have worked with brides who are keen to know whether they should steer towards white or ivory for their dress ahead of dress shopping for their big day based on their natural features. A lot of people have never considered the finer details of colour, but colour can truly make or break your look,” explained Isabel. Noting that people opt for her service for a number of reasons, from big events to recreating their look after a wardrobe clear out, Isabel is like the honest best friend, here to guide you on what really looks good on you.

Having never received a service like this before, I was both shocked and enlightened by the vast knowledge Isabel could pull virtually from me. From her research and Q&A to analysing my social media profiles, the finished report was not only 11 pages long, but full of styling tips and the perfect seasonal palette that’s tailored to just me.


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For instance, I found out my perfect seasonal palette is summer with a winter influence. This is based off my complexion, hair and eyes and from that, Isabel pulled specific colours that highlight these features.

I found that sand, teal blue and dark brown were seriously good colours for me to wear, among many others which were all highlighted and showcased with swatches on the report.

Pulling together my winter and summer influence colours, Isabel provided me with a selection of colours I can always look back on when choosing clothing, no matter what the season.

As I previously mentioned, the report also picks clothing for you based on the knowledge collected, giving you not only shopable links, but an idea on how these colours look in certain styles of clothing, again, helping you to shop moving forward.

It really did feel like having my own personal stylist, and this Ganni dress is a serious winner in my eyes.

For more information on how you can get your very own colour consultation or perhaps, gift it to someone looking to change up their wardrobe in the New Year, you can book your own consultation by contacting Isabel. Website –

email: [email protected]. Colour consultations from €28.

Happy shopping.
