Here’s Where To Shop The Face Masks All The Celebs Are Loving

Copy Bella Hadid's style and shop the mask J-Lo loves.

As I’m sure you’re very aware, it is now mandatory to wear face coverings in certain premises in Ireland, in an attempt to fight the coronavirus battle.

Given the uncertain territory that we are now facing, it is easy to become confused about when and where it is appropriate to wear a face covering.

While it was previously made mandatory to wear a face mask on public transport, it was not yet mandatory to wear them in many other social settings. But this has now changed, since August 10, Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly, has signed into Irish law the mandatory wearing of face coverings in certain situations that were not yet included on the mandatory list before.

You can find that whole list here if you’re still unsure about certain settings.


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And so, as the whole world is masking up in order to protect ourselves and those around us, we’re noticing one popular trend in Hollywood; it’s masks from the same brand.

Although we’ve seen the Kardash clan opt for SKIMs masks; another popular choice, one brand we’re intrigued by is MasQd.

With everyone from Bella Hadid to J Lo, Vanessa Hudgens andย Sophie Turner recently opting for a face covering from Masqd, their designs and cloth fabric means they can be washed and worn again and again.


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Want to copy the celebs and serve some MasQd looks?

Here’s three we love!

Shop J-Lo’s mask here

Bee mask shop hereย 

Ribbed mask (similar to SKIMS) shop hereย 

Also, if you can, it’s important to continue shopping local and purchase a face mask from one of Ireland’s incredible designers or small independent businesses. Find our list of mask companies here; one we update regularly.
