Fashion and Beauty 5th April 2018 by Cara Croke
So This Is How They Make Hair Look That Perfect In Shampoo Ads
It's all LIES.
Have you ever wondered how they manage to make the model’s hair in advertisements look amazing? Despite the fact that we already kind of know that we won’t be looking like Cheryl after a spray of L’Orรฉal Elnett, hair product ads can be quite deceiving in making us think our own locks will look that luscious after one use.
Hair care brand Suave have decided to lift the curtain and unveil the secrets used in hair ads with their new campaign. The brand’s new ad shows all the effort stylists and models go through to make their hair look immaculate:
In the video, we learn that the iconic waterfall/hair swish is achieved in ads with the use of green screen. Two people in green morphe suits play with the models hair using green rods in front of a green screen. The green is edited out post-production and then we’re left with beautiful flowing, slow-motioned hair.
The video also shows a model lying down with her long curls perfectly positioned around her, only for her to stand up, leaving a pile of extensions behind her, showing her real, short hair in the process. IT’S ALL LIES!
To create unattainable volume and the desired shape, stylists take to stuffing the model’s own hair with styrofoam balls and clips, and it looks pretty uncomfortable.
Our minds our blown. Suave even did some research and found that 74 per cent of millennial women don’t believe that the hair shown in ads is achievable (which Suave agree is true). It also found that two thirds of women have lost trust with brands after learning these secrets.
In their latest campaign, Suave had their models style their own hair using Suave products, giving their real opinions and showing what their hair looked like naturally after using the products. Maybe now we can stop having ridiculous expectations ofย our hair, aye?