These Are The Restrictions We Can Expect To Be Eased From June 8th

Here's what we can expect

As we’re all well aware, An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced the government’s plan to reopen the country slowly but surely over the course of the summer.

Phase one was introduced on the 18th of May, which saw some small restrictions lifted. We are now allowed to meet up with a small number of friends (2-3) for a walk, with social distancing measures in place, and within 5km of your home.

Along with that childcare for healthcare workers is now reopen, and those who can work outdoors safely can do so.

It will be decided today if Ireland will enter phase two of the roadmap to normality, but health officials have said that they are optimistic, so by next week, we may likely seeย a further number of restrictions being lifted.

From the 8th of June (hopefully), up to 4 people will be allowed to visit other households, meaning that we can now finally be able to spend time with our parents, siblings, and friends who don’t live with us. But again, social distancing will need to be practiced during the time we spend in other people’s homes – so we won’t be getting any rides just yet!

We’ll also be allowed to travel up to 20km away from our homes, however, the government remains adamant that no unnecessary journeys should take place.

Some retail stores will also slowly begin to reopen, with a skeleton staff – meaning that the number of individuals inside a shop at any one time will be low.

We will also see people being permitted to take part in outdoor sporting and fitness activities. Training in small groups where there is no contact will be allowed.

For gatherings such as funerals, a slightly large number of people in attendance will be permitted, the exact number is yet to be announced.

Phase two will be in place until the 29th of June when given continuous improvement we will enter phase three.

