Real Talk 10th March 2016 by Genevieve Wilson
6 Ways To Stick To Your Healthy Diet This Weekend
We know how you can stop yourself from falling off the wagon. You'll thank us on Monday.
Come Friday afternoon, we’re all about ready to go home, relax, and put our long tough weeks behind us. For a lot of people, the weekend also means falling off the wagon completely, and returning to work on Monday feeling disheartened. Does this sound familiar? If you fall into this category, follow these six tips for the coming weekend and see where they get you.
1. Plan Activities
We’re much more inclined to overindulge when we don’t have anything else to do, we’re bored. Pack your weekend full of things to keep yourself occupied. Arrange to meet friends, spend time with family, nip into town, spring clean, prepare for the week ahead, just keep yourself busy. You’ll be surprised at how much longer you’re weekend seems to go on for.
2. Don’t ditch your routine
Even if it’s only for half an hour, if you’re staying in on Friday evening, get up on Saturday and get yourself to the gym. It will set you up nicely for the rest of the weekend and you’ll feel all the better for it afterwards. If you’re hungover on Saturday, go for a workout on Sunday instead. If you don’t have the time or the gym membership, do a quick workout yourself at home.
3. Accept the hangover cravings
If you know you crave certain bad foods when you’re hungover, find a healthy alternative. Spicy foods are a great substitute for the grease you’re craving, they’ll also help you sweat out those alcohol toxins. There are plenty of really healthy carbs to keep you full up too, just try to avoid things that are deep friend. Eggs, oats, and bananas are great for beating away the hangover blues, no wonder they’re a brunch time favourite!
4. Be brunch wise
If you know you have a brunch date at noon, it doesn’t mean you should forget about breakfast. Get up and have something healthy and small, otherwise you’ll be ravenous by the time brunch comes around. If you’re nervous about eating out and setting yourself back, look up the menu before you go so you can pre-choose what you’re going to eat. Brunch menus today are full to the brim of gorgeous options that won’t make you feel like you’re restricting yourself.
5. Get outdoors
Use Sunday as your recreational day and get out and about for some activities. We’re blessed with so many lovely coastal and mountain walks in Ireland so plan some walks and hikes to keep you busy. Even if it’s just a stroll through a Farmer’s Market, some fresh air will do you the world of good. If we’re not blessed with nice weather, do a nice relaxing class of some sort. Most gyms and studios allow drop-in yoga classes for a reasonable price so research places in your area and see what’s available.
6. Water And Snacks
We’ve said it ten thousand times and we’ll say it again, drinking water is paramount to every health or fitness regime. Carry water with you everywhere. We so often mistake thirst for hunger so you need to be aware of that and have a bottle of water on hand wherever you are. If you know you’ll be out for the day, pack some nuts, fruit or an energy bar in your bag too, when you feel the pangs kicking in, you’ll be prepared and less inclined to hit the shops for a quick fix.