Is That All?! Wait ‘Til You See The Tiny Meals Kim’s Been Eating On Her Post-Baby Diet

Okay, we feel bad about last night's spice bag now.

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Earlier this month Kim Kardashian told fansย she’d already lost 42lbs of her baby weight since giving birth in December, but that she still had 28lbs to go.

While the glam mama no doubt has a team of nutritionists, trainers and chefs at her disposal, one thing you can’t buy is willpower, so we’re seriously impressed at her determination so far. Speaking to People recently, Kim revealed she had completely cut out alcohol and sugar in a bid to shed those final pounds.

Her other tactic? Cutting down her portion sizes, it would seem. Taking to Snapchat over the weekend, Kim showed off one of the ‘meals’ on her post-baby dieting plan: a spoonful of quinoa next to a scoop of scrambled egg.

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“I gained a lot of weight and I have a lot to lose,” Kim said of her extreme diet plan. “This time I think weight has come off quicker than last time because I kind of learned how to eat better.”

According to Kim’s nutritionist Collette Heimowitz, the reality star includes protein with “every meal” (that’d be the eggs) combining it with high-fibre food and healthy fats.

So we can understand why she was so keen to avoid this plate of churro waffles, though she couldn’t resist snapping a photo:

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Thankfully, Kim’s lunch appeared to be a more realistically portioned tuna salad, although it’s North’s bowl of mac n’cheese that we’re really eyeing up.

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While the mum of two might have cut down on her portion sizes of late, Collette emphasises that this is no crash diet.

“A low-calorie diet leaves you hungry all the time, and you need to not be hungry in order to be successful,” she says.

Want to follow Kim’s post-babyย dieting plan yourself? Get all the info over here!
