8th September 2015
We asked a a nutrition and health coach which saintly foods we should always be stocked up on.
Yum! We're jumping on the nut butter bandwagon and seeing what all the fuss is about. Here are five yummy nut butter recipes that are yummy and totally guilt-free.
Real Talk
7th September 2015
Amanda chats to STELLAR about her daily diet and making the change from cardio to weight training.
2nd September 2015
Chocolate and peanut butter without the guilts? Er, yes please! We're making innocent peanut butter cups. Here's how...
1st September 2015
Reckon you can't eat healthy on a budget? Wrong. We've found five yummy and healthy meals, that cost only €5 to make.
31st August 2015
Feeling puffy? These quick tricks will help you feel a little lighter by tomorrow.
25th August 2015
Follow our hacks to ensure you stay H2O healthy. And guess what? Jelly and ice-cream count towards our fluid intake. Yay!
21st August 2015
It's past 10, you're watching the telly and you've got a hankering for Tayto. Don't reach for crisps or choccie. These healthy eats are just as satisfying...
19th August 2015
Smoothies are your ultimate nutrition go-to, but are they really as healthy as they're cracked up to be? We found out...
Been working out on the regular and still not seeing any noticeable changes? We spoke to a personal trainer to find out why...
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