7 Healthy And Amazing Recipes To Prep This Weekend

Wanna make next week your healthiest week ever? Get prepping these gorgeous meals over the weekend...

Overnight Chia Pudding

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Waking up to thisย recipe from Nourishing Fir would put a spring in anyone’s step in the morning.

Joe Wicks’ Overnight Oats.


If you haven’t heard of The Body Coach Joe Wicks, you need to get on board pronto. This overnight oats recipe is one of thousands that’s whipping people into shape for summer.

Kale Lentil And Basil Soup.

Kale lentil soup

This recipe from The Good Food Goddess is dairy-free, sugar-free, gluten-free and vegan! We’re making it in bulk.

Potato And Feta Fritatta

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Mom Fitness Diary promises that this healthy batch will give us six servings. We’re trying it out on Sunday. Filling, nutritious and super healthy.

Thai Chicken Burgers

Thai Chicken burgers gluten free fi

Gluten-Free Fi was on hand with this recipe. Perfect for lunch time in work.

Chilli and Garlic Prawn/Chicken Salad

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The Super Health Foodie is our inspo for this one. All that colour and flavour. #YUM.

Coconut Date Cake

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And Finally, because sometimes we need to feel like we’re being bold and this recipe certainly looks like it. Who would have thought that cake could be so good for you?! Thanks to Annie Kirwan for this one.
