ASAP Rocky Celebrates Father’s Day With Adorable New Pics of Son

Are they the cutest family on Earth?

Image via Instagram, @asaprocky

The cutest couple of the year award will be going to Rihanna and ASAP Rocky from now until the end of time. They just don’t quit!

In an adorable celebration of Father’s Day, ASAP Rocky (born Rakim Mayers), shared the sweetest carousel of pics on Instagram, proudly showing off his little boy RZA (who is just 13 months old). ย One snap shows baby and Rihanna tucked up in bed together looking cosy, while another video shows RZA chilling on the bed repping his mama in Fenty shorts, watching a kids programme. ASAP also shares a clip of a pregnant Ri showing off her bump. Each slide is more adorable than the next!


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The couple are expecting another baby to come soon, possibly even this Summer! The duo keep quiet about the details, choosing just to share the love and keep the more technical details under wraps.

We’re looking forward to some super cute photos of big brother RZA when the new baby arrives. Obsessed!
