Our Love For Emily Ratajkowski, Paris Hilton’s Wedding, And Thoughts On Proposals

All your juicy goss for the week.


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It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new Skim and I’m feeling gooooood.

A new episode of The Skim has landed and in this 30 minute chat, we’ve a lot to digest.

Emily Ratajkowski recently released her new book, My Body – a series of essays on topics that range from feminism, sexual assault, disassociation and growing up, to motherhood, marriage and life in general.

In her raw and unfiltered look at the world, Emily gives us a rare insight into what it’s like to live life in her shoes and let’s just say it’s not only eye opening, but utterly relatable and will strike a cord with every woman who picks it up.

We discuss the page turner in the latest episode.


In this week’s episode we also discuss all things marriage. Nope, neither of us are walking down the aisle any time soon, when I say us I mean Rebecca (my co-host) and I, but we chat about everything from Paris Hilton’s wedding to why we just don’t enjoy a PDA or PP (public proposal). Are they naff or are we just cynical old bats? You decide.


And lastly, in this episode we also chat all things that Selenarrr and that hilarious Chris Evans story that we wish we could believe.

It’s all in the latest episode, girlies.
