Telly 17th May 2020 by Hannah Hillyer
Could There Actually Be A Sequel To Sally Rooney’s Normal People?
“The BBC are desperate to get going on series two."
Rumours are circulating about a potential sequel to the show everyone is talking about. You guessed it, Normal People.
We just can’t get enough. Poor Joe Duffy wanted to call in sick last week with viewers calling Liveline to complain about the sex scenes, a literal necklace in the show has it’s own Instagram account and even Kourtney Kardashian is a fan.
Can the world actually handle a sequel?
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Director of the first six episodes, Lenny Abrahamason has toyed with idea of a continuation which follows Marianne and Connell, but ten years after the first season ends.
“I have a fantasy of doing a kind of 10-year… you know, seeing where they are in 10 years’ time sort of thing. It’d be good.”
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There is a bit of set back to this though. Sally Rooney has not written a sequel to the hit 2018 novel, and has never displayed any inclination to do so.
According to The Mirror “The BBC are desperate to get going on series two. The viewing numbers are huge and they want more of the same.”
However with Sally Rooney also co-producing the first series, we can only assumed they’d want her involved too; “It all depends on if they can get Sally Rooney on board.”
“They want to strike while the iron is hot and get working on the series as soon as possible.
Perhaps the series is better left as it is, as although the ending is slightly ambiguous we liked it.
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If you are in need of a Sally Rooney fix, it has been announced that her first novel Conversations With Friends is also in the works to be adapted.
The 12 part series will tell the story of two college students from Dublin, Frances, and Bobbi, and the unexpected friendship they have with married couple, Melissa and Nick.
Irish film-maker Lenny Abrahamson will also be directing Conversations With Friends. Talking about the new book adaptation, the director said to Grazia, “I love Conversations With Friends, its depth, humour, and freshness, and it’s an honour to be involved in bringing it to the screen.”
We can’t wait.