Here’s How YOU Can Influence STELLAR’s Reader Issue!

Shape our November magazine with your input into features, stories and more!


Are you a regular reader of our print edition*? If so, we bet there’ve been times you’ve been reading your STELLAR and would love to have had your own say. Well – now’s your chance, because our November issue, out 12th October, is dedicated to YOU, our lovely reader.

Yep – we’re crowd sourcing content from the people who matter the most (eh, you guys) and we want your thoughts, opinions, comments and quotes to sit alongside. We’ve already held a reader panel for your feedback and done a Nodel (that’s normal model, yo) search for a very special photoshoot we’re planning.

Here’s some of what else you can get stuck into.

Are you a New Creative?

Are you mad about moodboarding, crazy about calligraphy, deadly at decoupage or have you discovered any other new handicraft of late that you’re developing a pretty serious skill at? We want to have a chat about your new five fingered obsession.

Do you love baking?

GBBO’s back but we know Ireland’s a nation of amazing bakers thanks to the joy that is Instagram. Do you love to bake? Why? Does it calm you, inspire your inner creative or is there another reason? We want your baking pictures and stories, STAT.

Have you taken an inspiring fitness journey?

Are you the girl who dropped three dress sizes through grit and determination, nipping out from work on your lunchbreak to pound the pavement and switching up your diet in order to loose a few pounds? Or maybe you just decided you were grand the way you were, but you needed to be a little fitter – we want to hear how you did it.

Yup, it happened to me

Has anything really incredible happened to you? You won the Lotto/you were on a plane that had to reroute because of engine failure/ you gave/got an organ transplant/you gave everything up to go travelling alone/you were the victim of a crime – you get the picture; if you’ve had a truly life-changing experience and would like to talk about it in the pages of STELLAR, hit us up!

She inspires me

Lots of Irish women are bloody amazing, aren’t they? We feel that the lists you see in the media often sometimes don’t represent the women working hard for change – the women at the Rape Crisis Centre, the ladies making policy in politics or the career girls building businesses, for example. Who are the women you think are amazing? Let us know so we can rep them in print.

How social media affects YOU

Instagram is influencing more beauty trends than the catwalk; Hollywood is now pushing for #NoMakeUp thanks to celebs like Alicia Keyes.Where do you sit with this? Are you looking to the ‘gram for your beauty cues? Have you started wearing lots more make-up because of Kylie and friends, or are you kicking back like Alicia and washing it off? Talk to us now.

To get in touch about any of the topics above, email editor Kirstie on [email protected] or deputy editor Jeanne on [email protected]. We’ll do our absolute best to reply to everyone.

*You’re not? You totally should be girlfriend: everything in the print edition stays in the print edition, so you can’t get it online, and even better, it’s only €1.95 for 128 pages of feature-packed content we create just for you.
