Trending 20th August 2020 by Amie Edmonds
It Seems Things Are Getting Ugly In Brad And Angelina’s Custody Battle
Angelina recently requested that the judge on the case be removed.
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I can’t imagine how difficult it would be going through a custody battle, but once you’re both in the limelight, surely it makes things even more strenuous. It seems things are getting complicated between Brand and Angelina as they go through their custody battle.
Last week, Angelina requested to disqualify the judge on their custody trial, due to an allegedly undisclosed connection with Brad’s lawyer. Now, sources close to Brad are claiming that he’s furious with Angelina for holding up the process.
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According to a source who spoke to Us Weekly, “Brad says Angelina has gone way too far this time…He’s left with no other option but to dig in and fight back—hard.” In response to Angelina’s request for a new judge, the source claims that she’s making things more difficult for their five children, Maddox, Pax, Shiloh, Vivienne, and Knox.
“The individuals hurt most by Jolie’s transparently tactical gambit are the parties’ own children, who continue to be deprived of a final resolution to these custody issues.”
After catching wind of this, Angelina’s lawyers replied in a statement to Us, saying, “any delay in these proceedings is due to [Pitt’s team’s] zealous attempt to create an unrecognized special exception for their client’s benefit.”
Who knows what’s going to happen from here, but the statements don’t sound too promising.