Kendall Jenner Reflects On The ‘Mistakes’ She’s Made In Her Controversy Filled Career

The model is reflecting on her growth.

Image via Instagram, @kendalljenner

Kendall Jenner is getting candid about the “mistakes” she’s made in the past.

The 27 year old reality TV star, who both models and owns a Tequila brand, was invited to the 2023 Forbes Under 30 summit to talk about her growth.

Speaking at the summit, Kendall reflected on some of her errors along the way.

“You face challenges, you make mistakes…knowing yourself and knowing how you handle things, and then moving accordingly, is super important,” she said.

“There’s a learning curve to it all but working with integrity and authenticity is always going to create positive results.”

She went on to explain that she feels like she’s in a really “transitional period” in her life.ย “Spiritually, work-wise, mentally, like I think I’m just kind of really coming into my own.”


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Kendall further mused on how her relationship with her famous family and how that’s allowed her to come in to herself.

“I think that one thing that we all have โ€“ we all being, me and my sisters and my family โ€“ is there’s never been a competitiveness between any of us, so I think overshadowing has never been a thing.

“I think I’ve always felt secure in who I am as a person.”

Kendall has been embroiled in more than a few controversies over the course of her career.

In 2017, Kendall and her sister Kylie designed T-shirts to sell to their fans, using images of famous musicians like Tupac Shakur, Biggie Smalls, Ozzy Osbourne and The Doors in their graphics.

Without asking for permission to use the images, they superimposed bright, neon coloured photos of their own faces over the musicians, and priced them at $125 each.

The girls quickly came under fire for exploiting the images of the artists for profit, particularly the images of Tupac and Biggie, who died in 1996 and 1997 respectively.

Before releasing an apology and removing the T-shirts from sale, Kendall and Kylie received cease and desist letters from the Doors, and were heavily criticised by Biggie’s mother and Sharon Osbourne.

During the same year, Kendall took part in a Pepsi ad campaign intended to raise awareness about racism. The ad saw Kendall ‘saving the day’ at an anti-racism protest by handing a police officer a can of Pepsi, therefore ‘defusing’ the situation.

Fans were outraged by the ad, which was described as “tone deaf” and “offensive.”

This time, Kendall didn’t have to take the blame as much thanks to Pepsi apologising to her for “putting [her] in this position”, as reported by NBC.

Most recently, Kendall has come under fire for allegedly ripping off another Tequila brand when designing her own.

The company Tequila 512 took the model to court, pointing out the similarities between their brand and Kendall’s, which is called 818 Tequila.

According to E! news, the brand highlighted the fact that 818 has a very similar design and colour palette to 512, and also uses an area code in it’s name.

They were further frustrated by the fact that in Kim Kardashian’s mobile game, Kim cans be seen with Tequila 512, which they believe is done with the intent of blurring the lines between the brands.

The case has now been settled, though each brand must make changes to their labels to clear up any confusion for buyers.

Thinking about where she’s at now, Kendall shared at the Forbes summit that she’s “never felt more comfortable.”


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“Although I have so much more to learn, I think that I’ve come to a place now, at 27, where I’ve never felt more comfortable with myself,” she explained, adding “and I think that’s what kind of fit in so well with me transitioning into this entrepreneurial side of myself.

“I think that’s it’s only kind of worked for me better that way. I just feel really, really happy with where I’m at.”

Well, we’re happy for you Kendall! Here’s hoping there’s less controversy on the horizon.
