Hens, Chameleons, Horses: We Meet Some Of Ireland’s Coolest Pets… And Their Owners

In the July issue of the mag, Paula Lyne met ten Irish gals who can't imagine life without their hairy, feathery and scaly BFFs, and we kept two of the best for stellar.christmas!

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What does your pet do for you? Research has shown dog owners are less likely to suffer from depression than those without them, and the frequency of a cat purr can increase bone density and speed injury recovery. But apart from those health-giving reasons, anyone who has a pet knows just how much they contribute to your life: the funny things they do, the emotional feedback they give and the affection they deliver.

We’re a pet-loving nation โ€“ in a recent Purina survey, 72 percent said pets were better than social media. So,ย in the July issue of the mag, we found out about the purrfect pets of ten of our readers.

For some cats, a dog, ferret, horse, birds and more (as well as Team STELLAR’s furry friends), check the new issue, on shelves right now. For a hen and a chameleon, read on….

Biddy The Hen


Biddy making a surprise appearance at Charlene’s hen party (we kid you not!)

Owner’s name: Charlene O’Reilly.

Lives: London, originally from Cavan.

Pet: My two-year-old hen, Biddy.

Why I love her: We have two dogs and seven other hens at home in Cavan, but Biddy is the friendliest, and I’m convinced she lays the best eggs.

My funniest memory: I’m getting married this summer, and my mum brought Biddy along to my hen party as a surprise. She even sat with us in the pub. She was the star of the show!


Robyn The Chameleon

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Robyn hanging out at home

Owner’s name: Sarah Hegarty.

Lives: Meath.

Pet: Robyn, a veiled chameleon.

Our menagerie: Robyn has lots of brothers and sisters: my dog Joey, my cat Jayde, two geckos named Julia and Kevin, a garter snake named Colin, and a heap of fish.

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Sarah and some of her crew!

Where I got her: I’m a passionate volunteer with the National Exotic Animal Sanctuary, and Robyn is a rescue chameleon. Check out their website and Facebook page for deets on all the great work they do!

Why I love her: Sheโ€™s such a little character and loves sitting on my head watching TV with us in the evenings.

Want more? Pick up STELLAR’s July issue, out now!

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