10 Must-Watch Movies And Shows On Netflix To Enjoy This Weekend

Binge worthiness at its finest.

Ah, Netflix, where would we be without it? It played a pretty big part in our lives pre-coronavirus, but now our days kind of revolve around waiting for that suitable time to sit down with a glass or two of Pinot to binge-watch the latest show or get lost in a film. If you’ve knackered your to watch list, here are ten must-watch things to binge this weekend.

White Lines

If you haven’t yet watched the trailer for White Lines, take two and a half minutes to watch it right now, then take another 30 seconds to log on to Netflix and add it straight to your list. It follows the story of DJ Axl, who moves from his home in Machester to live in Ibiza, leaving behind his sister Zoe. Fast forward 20 years later, Zoe had been lead to believe her brother travelled to India, without keeping in touch. Until his body is found in Ibiza and she’s determined to find who is responsible.ย Having already binged three episodes, I can guarantee you it’s one of those shows that really suck you in.

Dead To Me

The second season of Dead To Me landed on Netflix recently, after a long, hard wait. The short, snappy episodes are packed with one ‘oh my god’ moment after another, almost forcing you to watch the next episode. The series follows unlikely duo Jen and Judy, once Judy befriended Jen after the death of her husband. Throw in one disaster after another, a whole load of secrets and a murder or two, and you’ve got yourself an extremely binge-worthy series.

Workin’ Moms

If you fancy a light-hearted series that won’t hurt your brain after a long week of work, Workin’ Moms is for you. It tells the story of a group of friends who are trying to nail that work-life/parent balance, and will literally leave you in creases of laughter. There’s a whole four season already on Netflix to enjoy, and in even better news? Workin’ Moms has already been approved to release a fifth season. So even another to look forward to.

Schitt’s Creek

Another light-hearted show to fall in love with – the sixth and final season of Schitt’s Creek landed on Netflix just yesterday, and it’s everything we need right now. Schitt’s Creek follows the Rose family, who after years of flaunting a serious amount of cash, find themselves bankrupt and having to move into a small (let’s say un-Instagramable) town, called Schitt’s Creek.ย Admittedly, it takes a little while to get into it, but once you’re there, you’ll fall in love with each and every character. Plus, David and Moira will give you all the laughs you need.

Circus of Books

Is there anything better than a whopping documentary? Nope, don’t think so. Introducing Barry and Karen Mason, owners of bookstore Circle of Books, which then became the largest distributor of gay porn in the United States. The couple fully immersed themselves in the LGBT community, before being caught up in the middle of FBI sting. Let’s just move this straight to number one on the list of documentaries to watch, eh?

Love Wedding Repeat

Any tv show or film that stars our very own Aishling Bea is sure to be a good’un in our books. Jack is trying to do his best to ensure that his sisters Hayley’s wedding day runs as smoothly as possible, but of course, like in any good wedding movie, nothing runs as smoothly as possible. The perfect ‘switch-off’ kind of film.

I, Tonya

One of the most popular films on Netflix right now, I, Tonya is a biographical, black comedy film that follows the life of figure skater Tonya Harding and her connection to the 1994 attack on her rival Nancy Kerrigan. Tonya became the first American woman to complete a triple axel move during a competition, only for her ex-husband to conspire to injure Nancy just a handful of years later.

Book Club

Four friends, who just happen to be Jane Fonda, Diane Keating, Candice Bergen, and Mary Steenburgen, decide to dissect 50 Shades of Grey in their monthly book club, while simultaneously discovering new romance to rekindling old flames. It’s heart-warming, funny, and iconic, really. Plus, the stellar (pun intended) cast is as fabulous as ever.


An oldie, but a goodie. We just had to include this throwback, the ideal weekend viewing. Teenage Sarah throws an ultimate teenage strop, which results in her baby brother being taken by goblins, so naturally, she must journey through a maze to recover her baby brother from the goblin king himself, David Bowie. Let’s be honest, it’s all kinds of messed up, but it’s a classic nonetheless.

Trial by Media

To finish things off, another must-watch documentary, sure we all love a bit of true crime, don’t we? PSA, you can find out exactly why in the new issue of STELLAR. In this true crime docuseries, some of the most dramatic trials of all time are put underneath a microscope to see how the media may have impacted the verdict of each trial.

Feature image: Twenty20
