The Season Finale Of The Kardashians Is Out Now

We are not ready to say goodbye again!

How is it over already?!

It seems like we have only just started watching the new series of The Kardashians but the end of season one has arrived, streaming now on Disney+ the episode we have been waiting for, the aftermath of Tristan Thompson’s paternity scandal.

If you’re an early bird you may have already watched the newest release, but if not don’t worry we won’t be spoiling it!

At the end of the last episode, we saw Kim Kardashian find out about Tristan’s third baby mama and let her sister Khloe know. In the finale, we will see the fallout of this scandal and the family trying to support Khloe through yet another cheating incident.

We aren’t the only ones the last episode has snuck up on, sharing a GIF of the sisters on Instagram, Khloe Kardashian wrote, “Can you guys believe itโ€™s the season finale!? Thank you for an amazing season!!” No, we can’t believe it Koko.

We have loved the format of the family’s new show, with the docuseries style they can chat to the camera, breaking the fourth wall and literally make us feel like we are in the room, rather than just a fly-on-the-wall.

We don’t yet know when season two will be out, but we’re expecting it to be sometime this year since the turnaround will be much quicker than with the old show. We have yet to see Kylie’s baby appear (who we still don’t know the name of) but the end of this season tells viewers the series is “to be continued” so that hints there’s not too long to wait.

Their old show had two seasons a year, so we are predicting an autumn slot for season two, fingers crossed. If we hear any more news on it, you’ll be the first to know! For now, enjoy the last episode, and there’s plenty of binge-worthy content in KUWTK if you miss them that much.
