There Are Terrifying Pictures Emerging From This Morning’s Red Line Luas Crash

At least five people were taken to hospital.

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Source: John Donnelly/Twitter

Emergency services attended the scene of a crash in Smithfield earlier this morning, after a double decker sightseeing bus drove into a Luas tram.

The tram was around fifty yards from the Smithfield Luas stop, at the junction of Bow St and Phoenix St North, when the crash occurred. Gardaí at the scene said nobody was seriously injured.

“I saw five people being taken into the ambulance, and a couple were on stretchers. One person was in a really bad way,” one onlooker told

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Five ambulances and a fire engine were at the scene within minutes, and passengers were removed to the nearby St James’s Hospital.

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Major front liner response to Luas and tour bus crash in Smithfield #luas
