Here’s Why You Should Change Your Skincare Routine To Match The Seasons

Nope, it's not just another beauty myth.

Let’s get it out there, skincare is confusing at the best of times. How can you figure out what products suit your skin? What serums can be paired with what? How much is too much? And what about layering? It’s a lot, but then you throw a change of weather into the mix twice a year to make things even more confusing.

So why the need to change up your routine coming into and out of the colder months? And how can you ensure you’re doing it right? Well, we caught up with Stefania Rusu, Senior Therapist and Trainer, at The Buff Day Spa, who spilled all the details and what we need to know when it comes to changing up your skincare routine for a season.

Firstly, explaining exactly why it’s necessary to change up your routine, Stefania shares, “​​Ask yourself this: are you still wearing t-shirts and shorts in the middle of December? Or do you love to feel cosy and comfortable in fluffy sweaters? It’s the same with skin. Skin needs nourishment, protection and sometimes heavier moisturisers at night time. And the truth is that your skin changes every day and you should adjust your regimen at least when the seasons change.”

As Stefania explains, your skin can change every day. Not many people may notice that on themselves, as the majority of the time the changes are so slight that they’re barely detectable to the human eye.

I have certainly seen my skin change overnight, both in positive and negative ways. Having dealt with bouts of acne, I’ve woken up some mornings dreading to see what my skin was like, others where I noticed it just looked grey, flat and blah. Although on the other hand, there have been times where I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the sudden glow.

Saying that, it’s not practical to use different products every day, depending on the mood of your skin. So, what is it exactly you should change? Starting with a clean slate for the winter isn’t exactly realistic, especially if your current regime is working wonders for you. Stefania recommends changing our certain products gradually, rather than going all-in at once.

“Your toner or your exfoliant should be just fine, or even your daily cleanser. The most common products that are changed during the winter are moisturisers, serums and sometimes cleansers. I agree with gradual change more than switching everything in one go, that may be confusing to remember everything but also the skin may not react well.” Adding to that, Stefania continues:

“you could add a hydrating cleanser or a heavier night moisturiser, and even get a new serum or an oil, but keep targeting your concerns and use products that suit your skin type and lifestyle.”

If you’re not sure where to start, don’t fret. As I said, it can get pretty confusing. If you have the ability, it’s best to speak to a professional so they can share with you exactly what your skin needs. But, Stefania shares that using a skincare brand that you know and trust can also go a long way. “What you need to remember is: formulation is the KEY. You need to trust the brand, and also to have a little idea of what the main actives can do for your skin and not to layer them on your own. Let the science do the job. Always consult a skincare expert on which is the correct product for your skin.”

But if you fancy treating yourself to some products right now? Here are some of Stefania’s favourites as a Senior Therapist and Trainer. “My go-to cleanser that hydrates and protects the skin’s barrier and provides anti-ageing benefits is The Max Stem Cell Cleanser from IMAGE, and once or twice a week for dry skin the Age Smart Resurfacing Cleanser that has a milky consistency and lactic acid really helps to hydrate the skin. For oily-combination skins Ageless Resurfacing Cleanser is fantastic – the glycolic and menthol gives a fresh feeling removing excess oil and debris from the skin.”

When it comes to a nightly routine, Stefania has a number of products that sit right at the top of her list. “For night time my favourite cream of all time would be Ormedic Bio-Peptide cream from IMAGE as it provides balance and nourishes the skin without heaviness. It is recommended mostly for all skin types including oily but for those who don’t like that shininess even at evening time then Sound Sleep Cocoon from Dermalogica will deliver hydration and balance for your skin each and every night.”

Plus, I’d like to think that as we’re now officially in 2022, everyone knows how essential it is to wear SPF every single day. Whether it’s the longest day of the year or Christmas Day it’s a non-negotiable in your daily routine. Opt for a broad spectrum SPF that will ensure you’re protected against both UVA and UVB rays. Remember, UVA rays are what ages you, and UVB rays are what burns your skin – causing a whole host of other problems. Taking 30 seconds each morning to apply your SPF will work wonders for both your skin and your health. Older you will be ridiculously grateful that you did.

Now that we know more about changing our skincare routine for a new season, what about when it comes to what to avoid in the colder months?  Well, as Stefania explains there’s one thing in particular that you’re best not to do. “Over exfoliation, using too much product thinking that your skin is actually capable of absorbing everything. There is a reason why cosmeceuticals are formulated in higher concentrations of actives and do not require a big amount to apply – including cleansers.”

Continuing, she explains, “During winter months we should protect more our skin’s barrier, keep it moisturized and nourish it at night time. Do not forget to spread your products over your neck and chest. These two are the first in line to show signs of ageing.”

And for Stefania’s last piece of advice, it’s quality over quantity. It may be a phrase we’ve all heard before but it’s worth its weight in gold when it comes to skincare.

“I recommend to everyone to invest in their skin! It is not overly expensive if you invest monthly in a good quality product and build your skin regimen slowly. Cosmeceutical products are designed to repair and heal the skin and can last you at least six months. It’s better to have four basic good quality products than ten cheap cosmetics that don’t deliver any results.”

There you have it – fabulous skin as the number one goal of 2022, anyone?
