Skin Cycling: EYNTK About The Viral Skincare Trend

The more you know.

Photo by cotton bro studios / Pexels

Ah, skincare.

Every day, it seems there’s a new trend, another hack, and a plethora of products for us to try out.

Skin cycling is one of those latest trends. Big on TikTok (what isn’t these days?), the four-night process promises to maximise results and minimise irritation, and is particularly popular with those who might suffer with sensitive skin.

So, in order to find out more about the trend (and to see if it’s any use) we decided to ask dermatologist Dr Naomi Mackle.

Dr Naomi is the medical director of REFORM Skincare, an Irish brand providing “evidence-based” products that actually do what they say they will. The brand has also recently partnered with eBay Ireland to bring their skincare knowledge to a wider audience.

So it’s safe to say they know what they’re talking about.

So, what is skin cycling?

Skin cycling is a new skincare trend (that currently has over 3.2 billion views on TikTok) that involves applying your skincare products over the course of four nights.

Dr Naomi says: “This trend recommends that people exfoliate their skin on night one, apply their retinoid product on night two and then for nights three and four focus on recovery, this would involve lots of hydration and avoiding any active ingredients.

“After night four you repeat the cycle again, essentially you are cycling through your nighttime skincare.”


What are the benefits of skin cycling?

“The process of skin cycling is beneficial to ensure people are getting the most from their active ingredients without causing skin irritation or dryness,” says Naomi. “The steps involved in skin cycling ensure people are taking care of their skin properly to promote a healthy, more youthful complexion.”

The process is best suited for people who might have sensitive skin, or those who are starting to introduce active ingredients into their skincare routine for the first time.

If someone has never tried skin cycling before, what are some products they should start with?

There are countless products out there, and given the scope of the skincare industry, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out what you should actually be using.

First, let’s chat exfoliation. Dr Naomi says that people should stay away from physical exfoliants, and instead, use chemical ones. “Physical exfoliants are very harsh on the skin and can cause irritation and skin barrier damage,” she says. “A chemical exfoliant is a much safer and more effective option.”

Next, retinol. If you know very little about the Vitamin A hero that everyone’s talking about, fear not, you’re not the only one. Naomi says that if you’re introducing retinol into your skincare routine for the first time, it’s a good idea to start slow and work your way up.

“Strong retinols can cause lots of dryness, purging and skin irritation,” she says. “The REFORM Skincare Retinol 1% Crรจme is a slow-release encapsulated form of retinol that is very gentle on the skin and is perfect for people starting their retinol journey.”

And what about those crucial recovery nights? You may think you’ve got your moisturising routine down, but you still need to make sure you’re using the proper products for your skin.

Naomi says that oilier skin needs an oil-free moisturiser and dryer skin needs a more intense moisturiser.


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Should you change up your skincare routine in the winter months?

We’ve all heard the rumours, we’ve seen the TikToks… As the seasons change, so should your skincare routine. But is there any truth to them?

“This really depends on the person’s skin,” says Dr Naomi. “Some people tend to experience skin dryness during the winter due to a drop in humidity and an increase of indoor heating.

“If you find your skin drying out I would recommend introducing a hyaluronic-based product and a more intensive moisturiser, products I often recommend are the Vitamin B5 Gel, Phyto Botanical Gel and Intensive Moisturiser from REFORM Skincare.

“If you are using an active acid cleanser, you may also want to introduce to a more hydrating cleanser and reduce the use of your active acid cleanser. One thing people tend to do is stop using their SPF during the winter months, which I would advise against as harmful UV rays are present 365 days a year, think day light = sun light.”
